`The Return of JoePan`

photo (1)As soon as the plane touched down at KIX, the memories began flooding in.  I’d been away from “home” for two years, but in many ways it has felt far longer.  And while I`m still trying to suss out my feelings about everything six days into this little jaunt, I will say, without reservation, it`s great to be back!

‘EXTRA EXTRA…a star is born!’

Just to break up the monotony of documenting the road trip, here is a little video from one of my experiences working as an extra in Japan.  My buddy Matt got me this role when he was working at an entertainment company.  I play an American G.I. in this one.  Funny enough, the other three guys in the video were from Australia and the U.K., respectively.  I remember when this thing premiered on television, my friend Sumeet came over and we were drinking Jameson whiskey whilst waiting for my 15 seconds of fame to flash upon the screen.  We were both dreading the thought of having to watch two and a half hours of a movie we couldn’t really understand, but by some stroke up dumb luck my bit was shown within the first five minutes.  We turned it off after that.


A love letter

Dear Japan,

It went by in a flash, though it didn’t always seem so.  We shared some wonderful times, but it wasn’t always a bed of roses.  I’ve been back in ‘the colonies’ for 17 days including today and I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss you.

Adopted ‘San’

I miss how you would let me go out to meet my friends without a moment’s notice, how you prepared all those tasty dishes I loved so much, the freedom you gave me, that special language that we shared (even the times I wasn’t sure what you were trying to say).  I miss those pretty ‘Sakura’ you put out every Spring, fleeting as they were.  I also miss the way you made me feel unique, the long walks we shared at all hours of the night, with the anticipation that there was always something interesting awaiting us around the corner.  Yes indeed, there are many things I will miss about you.

Yet, I am happy we parted ways.  Please don’t take that the wrong way.  Perhaps


happy is the wrong word.  Relieved might more accurate.  You see,  I care for you very much, but I knew we weren’t right for each other at this stage in my life.  As great as you are, and you are great, you had your bad points too.  I’m sure there was more I could have done, but I grew tired of the games and I knew deep down that if I didn’t move on now, I never would have.  In my soul, I just don’t think I could’ve handled that.  We were comfortable, but we became complacent and that isn’t what I was after.

I know you cared for me too.  Yet, I also know that there are others, much younger and more eager than I, who would really love to meet you.  You will have absolutely no problem finding someone new to bewitch, of this I’m sure.  I envy those people.

Well Wishes from some wonderful friends

We have gone our separate ways for now, but I will never forget the times we’ve shared and the ways you changed me.  I sincerely hope we meet again.

With Love,


P.S.  a place is only as good as it’s people and the people I’ve met in Japan over the years met made my experience what it was.  I would love to show you everyone’s pictures and tell you all about them, but that would take a lifetime.  From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL!

‘The Great Pumpkin…s!’

Not my best work, but passable.  On Monday I’ll have my monthly activity at work.  This month I’m doing ‘pumpkin carving’ and decided I should probably do a little warm-up before the big event.  Most months I


dread doing these activities, because I have absolutely no interest in the subject matter, but carving pumpkins is a kind of passion of mine.  Rare indeed is the chance to actually make something with my hands here, and carving a pumpkin, while not the most cerebral of pursuits, fills that bill nicely.

I had planned on doing just one pumpkin, but as the sun fell, I got inspired to do one more, which turned out a bit better than the first I think.  It would be a lot easier with the right tools (I had to use the “MacGyver” method), but I managed.  If I break it down, there are probably a lot less tedious things I could be doing, but I find it relaxing.


It feels good to focus on something for a change; funny how handling a razor blade does that.  Come Monday I should have plenty more photos to share.  Until then, enjoy your weekend!

‘The Night was Right’



My friend invited me to a Salsa event last Sunday night.  I took a few lessons about three or four years back, but haven’t really done much of it since, so I was kind of excited when I first heard about the party.  After a very active Saturday though (two parties, about fourteen hours worth all up), attending another gathering was the last thing on my mind.

Enough talk!

After a little nap and a shower, I started to perk up a bit and decided that, even though I wanted to rest, I should keep my promise and go.  Hindsight being 50/50, I can now say that I would have made a huge mistake had I not attended…it was an incredible night!

The venue was the rooftop of an older looking building near my home and the weather was absolutely perfect; cool, 65F or so, clear skies (by Osaka standards anyway), with a crescent moon hanging above for added touch.  A live band provided the beat and film clips of older movies/musical performances were projected on the wall behind them.

Standing room only.

A party is as good as it’s guests though, and I was pleasantly surprised with the people I met.  It was a far cry from the usual disco goers; a little more upscale.  People, for the most part, were there to dance, and it was a refreshing change.  I had been in a dance hall just fifteen hours earlier and could not help but think how much more I was enjoying the salsa event.

All in!

I’m sure the pictures don’t do it justice, but take my word for it when I say that it was one of the more enjoyable outings I’ve had in quite some time.  Everything just seemed ‘right’ and I am now considering taking up lessons again, just for giggles.  About half way through, I was lucky enough to see a shooting star…I wished the night wouldn’t end.